Our Partners: Souljoun Yoga Foundation


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Their Roots


Souljourn Yoga Foundation is a US 501(c)3 nonprofit inspired by seva, the Sanskrit word and yogic principle of selfless service.

Their aim is to raise awareness and funds for girls education in developing countries by teaming up with both local and international non-profits. Souljourn Yoga  creates opportunities to explore, practice, and educate through yoga both on and off of the mat by offering a spectrum of workshops and global retreats to continue to promote female empowerment and education to communities where equal opportunities aren't always readily available.

Currently, over 130 million girls around the world are denied an education, which also means they're denied the chance to improve their overall health, income, quality of life, and the ability to empower themselves with endless opportunities. A girl with an education is also less likely to become a victim of violence and child marriage, which are two predominant issues that women face across the globe.



While embracing New York City’s fast-paced and driven yoga culture, Jordan Ashley recognized a need for service-based yoga; a need for experiences which give perspective to the self through selflessness. Feeling extremely blessed to not only be given the opportunity for education, but to have a voice in society, she felt it was imperative to raise both awareness and funds for girls all over the planet who are denied such essential human rights.


Jordan Ashley first had a taste of global seva when she completed two study abroad programs. The first in Siem Reap, Cambodia where she taught English and women's self empowerment through the Ponheary Ly Foundation. The other in Dharamsala, India where Jordan lived with a Tibetan family and studied the community in diaspora. Between completing her 200 and 300 hour yoga teacher training in New York, Jordan uprooted to Southeast Asia where she was a reporter for the Phnom Penh Post, focusing on NGO coverage as well as a lifestyle journalist in Bangkok, Thailand. Jordan has collected passport stamps in more than 30 countries including India, Nepal, Thailand, South Africa, Cambodia, and Vietnam.


By teaming up with yoga teachers from around the world, Souljourn Yoga is dedicated to raising global compassion and peace. Drawing on her experience of travel and being a full time yoga teacher, she created Souljourn Yoga as an avenue for the practitioner who wants more than just "down dog" and to expand the need for equal education across the globe.

Souljourn Yoga takes the yoga practice both on and off the mat to expose, challenge, and reflect on the personal and global journey to inspire change.